Terme Rogaška Slatina

Buildings with the splendour of the Habsburg traditions, a modern thermal riviera and pool complex with thermo-mineral water, wellness centres and beauty programmes and an excellent medical centre are the most important reasons – but not the only ones – to visit Rogaška. A place with a rich history as a health resort, Rogaška offers a wealth of sport activities and entertainment options, while the local glassmaking traditions and the attractive countryside of the Kozjansko hills merely add to its charm.

One litre of Donat Mg mineral water contains over 1000 mg of magnesium, which makes it the water with the highest mineral content in the world. The miraculous power of Rogaška’s mineral water was first analysed by alchemists in the year 1572, but even today it is a subject of interest, since it also contains a range of other substances that help the body work more efficiently.

Rogaška Slatina

Opći podaci

Min. visina: 175 m
Max. visina: 225 m


Direktan bus sa željezničkog kolodvora
Direktan ski bus sa željezničkog kolodvora
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