Terme Ptuj

It is much easier to describe Ptuj's location between Slovenske gorice and Haloze and between Dravsko polje and Ptujsko polje than to write a short history of the city. Its history is rich and the city has numerous monuments to prove it. Its history reaches back to the Stone Age, but the city experienced its greatest flowering in the Roman period. The name originates in the times of Emperor Trajan, who granted the settlement city status and named it Colonia Ulpia Traiana Poetovio

Thermo-mineral water offers relief from rheumatic diseases and following injuries to or operations on the locomotor system. Many therapeutic programmes contribute to a better feeling of wellbeing.


Opći podaci

Min. visina: 185 m
Max. visina: 229 m


Direktan bus sa željezničkog kolodvora
Direktan ski bus sa željezničkog kolodvora
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